Teh Kim Wee

ICT Champion Journey 23/25


"Life was a little quiet and peaceful."


JC1 Digital Literacy Lessons

Designed, developed and tested Generative AI resources. Trained fellow ICT Champions and ensured smooth lesson delivery.

Python Coding Instructor

Taught STEM CCA members Python basics and conducted OpenAI API workshop for Computing teachers.

BuildingBloCS Conference Speaker

Delivered prompt engineering workshop to 300+ students at NUS School of Computing.

AI Appreciation Day

Co-presented AI literacy workshop with AI Singapore, leading to AI for Industry Level 1 certification for 300+ attendees.

Industry Attachment

Engaged with a stealth startup project, gaining real-world industry experience even during A-levels.

2024 (after A-levels)

AI Singapore Courseware Developer

Developed Generative AI courseware while helping with family business while awaiting NS enlistment.

PyCon SG Education Summit Presenter

Delivered Python and AI talks and workshops to educators at SIT NYP (2023) and SUSS (2024).

More Industry Attachments

Working with KidsPlaySafer, SIMCC and more organizations.

Giving Back

Mentoring ICT Champions juniors on tech skills for industry attachment.

Visit my website at aicomputing.sg